Hesius Dome | pl

Australian based electronic artist Hesius Dome (Simon Polinski) weaves a complex web of emotions, something that surrounds us as it effortlessly glides from ambient atmospheres other-enhanced realms of being. Hesius Dome is celebration of musical ideas forged between the sleeping hour and the wink of an eyelid. Also Check out Simon's other recording project Ornament & Mimesis all released on Psy-Harmonics .
Domenico Cimarosa (17 grudnia 1749 - 11 stycznia 1801) to włoski kompozytor okresu klasycyzmu. Urodzony w biednej rodzinie w Aversa pod Neapolem uczęszczał do konserwatorium neapolitańskiego gdzie nauczali go między innymi Antonio Maria Gaspare Sacchini i Niccolò Piccinni. Dzięki operze "Italiana in Londra" (Włoszka w Londynie) z 1779 zyskał rozgłos w Europie lecz jego najbardziej znanym dziełem jest "Il matrimonio segreto" (Tajemne małżeństwo) z 1792. W latach 1788 - 1792 na zaproszenie Katarzyny II przebywał w Petersburgu, który opuścił ze względu na ostry klimat rosyjski. Po odrzuceniu atrakcyjnej oferty cesarza Leopolda II wyjazdu do Wiednia, powrócił do Włoch gdzie zajął...
Domenic Troiano (January 17, 1946-May 25, 2005) was a Canadian rock guitarist. Born Michele Antonio Troiano in Modugno, Italy, Troiano became a naturalized Canadian in 1955. He was raised in Toronto and began playing guitar at age 15. As a professional musician, he was a guitarist for Ronnie Hawkins, Mandala, James Gang, The Guess Who and Bush. His early years were spent playing with Robbie Lane & The Disciples who backed Ronnie Hawkins. In 1965, he joined The Rogues who became The Five Rogues and comprised singer George Olliver, bass player Don Elliot, keyboard player Josef Chirowski and drummer Penti...