Cristóbal de Morales | pl

Cristóbal de Morales (ur. 1500 lub 1497 w Sewilli, zm. między 4 września a 7 października 1553 w Maladze) – kompozytor hiszpański epoki renesansu. Od roku 1526 był dyrygentem kapeli katedralnej w Ávili i Plasencii. W 1535 roku rozpoczął służbę w chórze papieskim w Rzymie. Podczas 10-letniej służby towarzyszył papieżowi w licznych podróżach do Nicei i Loreto. Z powodu choroby (prawdopodobnie nawrotów malarii) nie mógł systematycznie uczestniczyć w próbach chóru, dlatego w 1545 roku, mając za sobą okres bezskutecznego poszukiwania posady we Włoszech u cesarza i Cosimo Medici, musiał opuścić Rzym. Wrócił do Hiszpanii, gdzie został dyrygentem kapeli w...
Cristóbal Halffter (born March 24, 1930 in Madrid) is a Spanish composer. He is the nephew of two other composers, Rodolfo and Ernesto Halffter. In 1936, Halffter's family moved to Germany to escape the Spanish Civil War, but they returned to Madrid in 1939, and Halftter studied at the German School there, graduating in 1951. In 1955, he was appointed conductor of the Falla orchestra. He forged a successful career as composer and conductor, writing music which combined a traditional Spanish element with avant-garde techniques. His Piano Concerto won the National Music Prize in 1953. In 1961 he became Professor...
This young singer-songwriter was born in Valledupar, Colombia. A Gemini, he was influential in "La Nueva Ola" ("the New Wave"), a cheerful and catchy form of vallenato that was popular on the Colombian coast. He was the son of vallenato singer Miguel Morales. When he was 13, he wrote his first song, "Solo he Quedado" ("I've been left alone"). The song was never recorded, but soon afterwards, his father gave him his own guitar to aid his creativity. During his teenage years, Kaleth wrote a number of successful singles that were covered by different groups. His song "Novios Cruzados" ("Crossed...
Znaleziony 10 piosenki, Trwanie: 04:38:12
Parce mihi Domine (Monteverdi Choir/J.E.Gardiner)
Jubilate Deo omnis terra
"Missa Mille Regretz"
Requiem: Pie Jesu Domine
Motet ''Gloria laus et honor''
Lachrimosa dies illa
Motet ''Et factum est posquam''
Mass for the Feast of St. Isidore of Seville
A Requiem for Philip II