Bryan Fury | pl

Bryan Adams urodził się 5 listopada 1959 w Kingston, w prowincji Ontario. Kiedy był młody, wraz z rodzicami (Conrad J. i Elizabeth Jane Adams; z pochodzenia Anglicy) podróżował poprzez Europę i Środkowy Wschód zanim nie osiedlił się na stałe w Kanadzie w 1973 roku. Jego rodzice pracowali jako dyplomaci. W roku 1975, mając szesnaście lat, Adams dołączył do zespołu Sweeney Todd, zastępując poprzedniego wokalistę, Clarka Perrego. Latem 1977 roku zespół wydał swój pierwszy i jedyny album, z Adamsem jako wokalistą – If Wishes Were Horses. Adams odszedł z zespołu jesienią i rozpoczął solową karierę. Mając lat siedemnaście, Adams wysłał kilka...
Thomas Luther Bryan (born July 17, 1976), known professionally as Luke Bryan, is an American country singer and songwriter. Luke Bryan grew up in the very small town of Leesburg, Ga. Back home, he helped his father with his peanut and fertilizer businesses while playing sports and enjoying the great outdoors. Yet he can remember his mother urging him to belt out George Strait songs over and over while she drove him into town to shop. By age 14, his parents bought him an Alvarez guitar. By 15, his father would take him down to a nearby club, Skinner's, where...
There are around 7 Billion people living on our planet according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimate and one person from the multitudes has now begun counting a large number of people to his quickly multiplying fan base. Those who like to indulge in the atmosphere of premium electronic projects that challenge the vast boundaries of synthesized music with Classical influences, can also be added to the register if you sample some of his carefully arranged numbers. Bryan El is the composing musician having this master plan of sharing his creative New Age Electronic projects with the masses in...
There are at least 3 artists/bands named 'Fist of Fury': 1) Fist of Fury was a hardcore punk band from Hoeksche Waard, the Netherlands. They existed from 2000-2007. They played their last show (along with No Turning Back and Terror) at a venue called Bibelot, in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. From their MySpace: "Fist Of Fury started out first as Down To Earth. They released a demo-cd called 'Riot'. The band has grown up since that 1st Down To Earth demo. They now changed their name to Fist Of Fury [nl] and their songs are way more aggressive than before and...
Think you know what FURYON are? Think again! Since their inception FURYON have been a band who like nothing more than to challenge expectations. Raised on a diet of heavy metal, prog, and classic rock, FURYON mix all these components for a truly unique and contemporary sound. Delivering huge rock radio friendly songs, with technically challenging, yet infectiously catchy musicianship. Dedicated to one sole purpose, making hard hitting songs that will stand the test of time. From the outset FURYON have been a force to be reckoned with live. Word of mouth meant they soon became one of the biggest...