The Reverse Return | pl

There are at least seven artists using the name Reverse. 1) Reverse were a power pop / punk rock band from Stoke-on-Trent, UK, active between 1990 and 1997. In 1995, they were signed to Damaged Goods Records and released three singles: 'Stem The Slide', 'Lock' and 'Stagnant'. The band split up in 1997, after an imminent deal with Mushroom Records was scuppered by the label's buy-out by Rupert Murdoch. 2) "Reverse plays that strange brand of rock that isn't indie, isn't punk, and isn't metal. Musically the power trio sounds like Fugazi being molested by Cheap Trick; it's punishing, brutal,...
Falling In Reverse to amerykański zespół post-hardcorowy założony w 2008 roku przez Ronniego Radke, byłego frontmana Escape The Fate. Pierwotnie zespół nosił nazwę From Behind These Walls, jednak zmuszony był przyjąć inną, gdyż wspomniana wyżej była już wykorzystywana przez inny band. W 2011 roku ukazał się debiutancki album grupy zatytułowany The Drug In Me Is You. Obecni członkowie zespołu: - Ronnie Radke (wokal) - Jacky Vincent (gitara prowadząca) - Ryan Seaman (perkusja) - Ron Ficarro (gitara basowa, wokal wspierający) - Derek Jones (gitara rytmiczna, wokal wspierający) Byli Członkowie : Anthony Avila — Gitara Prowadząca(2008–2009) Gilbert Catalano — Gitara Rytmiczna (2008–2009)...
1. Point Of No Return (1996-2006) was a vegan straightedge political band that started in 1996 as a side project of Self-Conviction members, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Since then, they were focused on the Third World struggles and on the animal liberation fight. The band always existed as a means to go against a system that enslaves, oppresses, tortures and destroys individual lives as well as the entire planet. Point Of No Return first CD, "Centelha" (Sparks), by Liberation Records, was released in 2000 and became a division line between everything that came before that album and anything that would...
These days, it’s all too easy for young bands to fall through the cracks and fail to muster any sort of staying power. Each genre is becoming more and more oversaturated and we can all agree that “whiskey soaked” and “gravely” vocals aren’t anything new. However, every now and then a band is able to come out of the woodwork and put a fresh perspective on post-hardcore music -- never focusing on an image or a certain bandwagon. Such is the case for Reverse The Curse. RTC hail from the small town of Hiram, OH, where the three first started...
Over the past five years Amsterdams Return to Reason has proved to be a force to be reckoned within the Dutch underground scene. Their first demo gave them the opportunity to play a long side bands like Candiria, NME Mine, Face Tomorrow and Demia, to name but a few. In early 2006 they joined hands with Split Second Sound productions, also responsible for Textures debut and follow up albums, to record an EP. Five songs mixing the best of hardcore, metal, emo and rock proving that, as times are changing, Return to Reason will keep on being a force to...