Mader | pl

Maderacore is a post-hardcore band formed in Bilbao in 2007. .
Jean-Pierre Mader is a French 80s singer, who was influenced by early synth pop and new wave. He's now a producer in the region of Toulouse. .
Tech Nomader is an old school EBM band from Spain, with Jordi as the mastermind behind it. He has released one album on EK Product label, called Domótica in 2011. Tech Nomader have been silent since then, but Jordi is releasing new demo material on soundcloud from time to time. Tech Nomader's sound consists of minimalist old school EBM, with raw growling vocals, mostly in Spanish. .
Bruno Maderna (Venice 1920 - Darmstadt 1973) was an Italian-German director and composer. At the age of four he was taught violin in Chioggia, and his grandfather noticed he was a little genius; Madame de Polignac (a French princess and patron) paid his following studies, so at the age of eight he was able to direct the Milano La Scala theatre and the (Verona's) Arena orchestras. From here, he started an enfant prodige career, internationally known as "Brunetto" (italian for Little Bruno). He protracted his studies in Milan (1935), Venice (1939) and in Rome (1940), where he finally took his...