Slabdragger | pl

Sam Thredder playing guitar & vocals, Yusuf Tary plays bass and yells down the other microphone whilst Jack Newnham hits the drums with fucking baseball bats. Sludge as fuck. Holy Roar Records. New album 'Rise Of The Dawncrusher' out now. London and South East United Kingdom (Croydon) Band Members: Sam Thredder - Guitars, Vocals Yusuf Tary - Bass, Vocals Jack Newnham - Drums Influences: Marijuana, Black Sabbath, Beer, High On Fire, Bongs, Floor, Laney Amps, Electric Wizard, Electro Harmonix, Sleep, Sleeping, Saint Vitus, Sea Monsters, YOB etc... Sounds Like: A thick slab of oozing sludge .