Riding the Diplodoc | pl

Riding the Diplodoc - instrumental, math-rock band from Kurgan (Russia), the compositions of which are based on seemingly incompatible mixture of genres. Their music is on the verge between hysterical atonal mathematical constructs, dance rhythms and smooth post-rock melodies. .
Riding Alone For Thousands of Miles to post-rockowy zespół z New Brunswick w New Jersey. Ich muzyka to specyficzne połączenie intrumentalnego brzmienia z różnego rodzaju samplami, głównie wokalnymi. Cechą wyróżniającą RAFToM jest zdecydowanie liczba członków zespołu. Składa się on bowiem nie z trzech, czterech czy pięciu osób, jak to przeważnie bywa, lecz z aż jedenastu. Dokładnie z pięciu gitarzystów, skrzypka, pianisty, basisty, perkusisty, harfisty oraz grającego na dzwonkach... Na początku 2008r. muzycy nagrali album o węgierskim tytule: "A Boldogsag Minden Remenyet Elragadtak". .
Riding The Low is lo-fi, raw, indie rock with the fat cut out. There are no five minute jams, no extravagant shredding or shoegazing; just straight-up, dynamic and instinctive guitar music. The band create songs on a prolific scale, often debuting numerous quality new tracks at each show. .
Little Red Riding Hood was a side project from Hannover, DE in 1998. They were composed of brothers Kai Wingenfelder and Thorsten Wingenfelder from Fury In The Slaughterhouse and Fury producer Jens Krause. The side project was formed to allow the members a little more artistic leeway, branching away from the traditional Fury sound, experimenting with electronic, R&B and rap. They released one album, the eponymous Little Red Riding Hood, in 1999. .
Znaleziony 24 piosenki, Trwanie: 01:19:01
No Martini, no party
And so i took it from Jafar
T-800 prefer Tech Noir
Shh...quiet...light the map!
6. Across the glade
Those arctic noises
Pol Libertine has tart beard b
3. Good analogy is like a diagonal frog
5. No Martini, no party
Pol Libertine has tart beard by his patriline
Across the glade
2. Everyone has a horse head
8. And so i took it from Jafar
Everyone has a horse head
4. Crunch!Punch!Fireball!
Everyone has a horse head (Курган)
Good Analogy Is Like A Diagonal Frog