Francesca Lee | pl

Francesca Lee Official Web-site - Facebook Artist Page - Twitter - Reverbnation Page - Confiding narratives and striking melodies illustrate the songs of Francesca Lee. Layered and lustrous, the music on her new full-length release, The Pieces Left, radiates from an organic center colored by electronic shadings and beats. As sonic light breaks through the opaque mist of a dense soundscape, the sound mirrors the drama of her locale: San Francisco, home to generations of visionaries. “Nothing is more dreamlike than the adventure of walking in this city,” she says. “I look out my window to...
Francesca Michielin (ur. 25 lutego 1995 w Bassano del Grappa) – włoska piosenkarka, reprezentantka Włoch podczas 61. Konkursu Piosenki Eurowizji w 2016 roku. Francesca zaczęła śpiewać w wieku 14 lat, kiedy to wstąpiła do chóru gospel w rodzinnym mieście Bassano del Grappa. W 2011 roku wzięła udział w castingach do piątego sezonu włoskiej edycji programu X Factor. 5 stycznia 2012 roku w finale pokonała grupę I Moderni, w nagrodę podpisując kontrakt z wytwórnią Sony Music o wartości 300 000 euro. Debiutancki singel Francesci zatytułowany "Distratto" dotarł do pierwszego miejsca najpopularniejszych singli we Włoszech[5]. Wydany 31 sierpnia 2012 roku utwór "Sola"...
Francesca Battistelli (born May 18, 1985) is an Italian-American Christian musician from New York City, New York. She was originally an independent artist and had released an independent album, Just a Breath, in 2004. Her first studio album on Fervent Records, My Paper Heart, was released on July 22, 2008. According to the Free To Be Me Songfacts, "Free To Be Me" was released as the second single from the album and it shattered records in becoming the most added song by a female artist in Christian radio history and holding the #1 slot for ten consecutive weeks. Battistelli received...
Francesca Gagnon (born August 6, 1957) is a Québecoise singer and theatre actress featured in Cirque Du Soleil's Alegría and Midnight Sun. During her career of more than two decades, she has recorded several solo albums and toured three continents singing in French, Italian and Spanish. Born in Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, Francesca Gagnon began studying piano and dance from the age of ten. This interest in the arts carried over into adulthood where she continued her study of music at the University of Quebec. Her first musical performances were on television, followed by live solo performances in Quebec, Europe and...