Luperce Miranda | pl

Miranda Taylor Cosgrove (ur. 14 maja 1993 w Los Angeles) – amerykańska aktorka i piosenkarka. Znana głównie z roli Megan Parker z serialu Drake i Josh oraz tytułowej Carly Shay z serialu iCarly. Miranda Cosgrove urodziła się 14 maja 1993. Jej ojciec Tom jest właścicielem firmy sprzątającej, a matka gospodynią domową]. W wieku 3 lat została odkryta przez agenta, kiedy tańczyła i śpiewała wokół stolików w restauracji Taste Los Angeles. Agent podszedł do jej rodziców i zapytał, czy nie myśleli, aby posłać córkę na kilka castingów. Na początku kariery występowała w reklamach telewizyjnych McDonalda i Mello Yello oraz zajmowała się...
Marlui Miranda's family always played music for pleasure. His mother, having never studied or played guitar, was the one who first tuned the instrument Marlui had won. At this time the family still lived in Fortaleza, where Marlui was born in 1949. When he was five years, moved to Rio de Janeiro, from where his father, an engineer, decided to face the challenge of helping to build Brasilia. It was 1959. Marlui began studying guitar at the gym, in the midst of cultural effervescence. In the College of Architecture, she began to attend meetings which brought to Brasilia names like...
Miranda has been described as a ‘musical chameleon’ reflecting the way that she so easily slips between musical genres as diverse as folk, jazz and rock / pop. She continues to build a solo repertoire of contemporary and narrative songs that are showcased to critical acclaim on her recent album “Bliss”. Miranda’s rich, spine tingling vocals and strident yet sensitive double bass playing are much in demand and she enjoys working alongside some of the finest musicians in the world. She is increasingly in demand both as a double bassist and singer and has worked with Pressgang, Robb Johnson, Firebrand,...