Tania Saleh | pl

Tristania (nor. trist - smutek, melancholia) jest zespołem ze Stavanger, Norwegia, utworzonym pod koniec 1996 przez Mortena Velanda (wokal/gitara), Einara Moena (klawisze) i Kennetha Olssona (perkusja). Skład został następnie dosyć szybko uzupełniony przez Vibeke Stene (wokal), Andersa Hidle (gitary) i Rune Osterhusa (bas). Zespół potrafi stworzyć mroczny, unikalny i niepowtarzalny klimat. Teksty zespołu w szczególności dotyczą rozpaczy i smutku. http://www.myspace.com/tristania http://www.tristania.com Muzyka zespołu jest klasyfikowana jako gotycki metal, ze względu na ich silne powiązania z historią gatunku, a także częste występowanie typowych dla tego gatunku elementów. Jednakże są oni dumni z różnorodności ich muzyki, co potwierdza ich rozwój poprzez 5...
Maryam Saleh is an Egyptian singer and actress. Singing and acting since the age of seven, Saleh has worked with and co-founded a number of independent bands, has sung semsemeya songs, and was one of the most important singers of Sheikh Imam songs. She went on to found BarakA, which sets her in a rock context. She is now working on several new musical projects with different musicians from Egypt as well as from the Middle East. .
Tania Bowers still remembers the rabbit footprints that once dotted her bedroom floor. It's hard not to. That's where it all started, after all—where she'd hide for hours dreaming up songs, letting her imagination take flight alongside schoolteacher parents who were "great storytellers" and "didn't always separate fact from fiction." "I was an outsider from an early age," says Tania, a Sydney native who's weaved in and out of the Chicago music scene for the past decade. "I've always been quite comfortable with it, though." No wonder why her solo work (as Via Tania) has always sounded like a long...
There are multiple artists by the name of Lusitania: 1) Lusitania was a folk duo from New England, known for their dark tone and unusual instrumentation. The primary members were Wyatt Shibley and Ben Richter. In existence around 2003-2007, the band was connected to the scenes surrounding The Dresden Dolls, Mischief Brew, and Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains. 2) violent raw black metal from the desert. .