Atrax Morgue | pl

Jednoosobowy projekt z Włoch powołany do życia (cóż za ironia) przez Marco Corbelli w 1992 roku. Klimatyczny, mroczny, niepokojący i chory power electronics/industrial poświęcony tematyce śmierci, nekrofilii, seryjnych morderców, samobójstwa et cetera. Corbelli prowadził również magazyn "Murders" poświęcony muzyce industrialnej oraz wyżej wspomnianym tematom. Wielokrotnie w wywiadach wspominał o swojej fascynacji śmiercią, którą - jak mówił - wyobrażał sobie w postaci pięknej kobiety. Projekt zakończył działalność 6 maja 2007 roku, kiedy to jego założyciel odebrał sobie życie. .
1. Ultra screamy emoviolence/hardcore band from Des Moines, Iowa formed during early 2000. Members of In Loving Memory, Eclipse of Eden and later on Love Lost But Not Forgotten. In March of 2000 Rue Morgue recorded in Dameon's living room with the help of Andy Koettel of Captain Three Leg fame. What came of these recording sessions were eight tracks of screaming chaotic hardcore. CD-R's were burned, packaging was made, and 100 copies of this self titled release were available at shows. Eight recorded songs down and eight months after forming in the spring, Rue Morgue was to be no...
Schatrax Recordings is a U.K based record label, run by Josh Brent and is known throughout the global underground dance scene for it's individual sounding releases. Click here to find out more about Schatrax Music .
Formerly known as Redlight, Betatraxx (real name Tim Nelson) is an American electro artist from California. .
La Rue Morgue is a Chilean rock band formed in 1995 by Javier Chamas, Michel Maluje, Javier Rodríguez and Francisco Valenzuela. In 1997 the band released its first album "La Rue Morgue". In 1999 they recorded "Kaleidoscopio", selling over 5,000 copies. Then the band took a hiatus due to the departure of Michel Maluje to Mexico, where he played with Julieta Venegas. In 2005 the band (now including Rodrigo Velasco) returned to the studio to record "Distinto". Since 2006 there are no signs of life from the band. .