Ladislav Novák | pl

Seattle-based sound artist and Dragon's Eye Recordings label owner Yann Novak documents the emotional impact of the world around him by recording it and then uses digital processing to hone in on the feelings of time and place that field recordings can evoke. While maintaining the naturally occurring composition of the original document, Novak reveals the delicate nuances of sound within the new context of evocative soundscapes. .
Gabi Novak is a famous Croatian singer. She is the daughter of Djuro Novak and Elizabeth Reiman. Since 1973, she has been married to famous Croatian singer and composer Arsen Dedić with whom she has a son Matija Dedić, who is also actively engaged in the music business. Gabi Novak, prva dama hrvatske šlageristike, velika muza i supruga Arsena Dedića, rođena u Berlinu. Živi u Zagrebu. Nakon djetinjstva provedenog u Berlinu i na Hvaru 1946. seli u Zagreb gdje pohađa osnovnu školu i diplomira na Školi primijenjene umjetnosti (grafički odjel). Neko vrijeme radi u Vjesniku, a zatim u Zagreb filmu...
Jan Ladislav Dusík, also Jan Ladislav Dussek (February 12, 1760, Čáslav - March 20, 1812 in Saint Germain-en-Laye) was a Czech composer and pianist of classical era. He was an important representative of Czech music abroad in the second half of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century. In some of his piano writing, Dusík anticipated features of musical romanticism. He was one of the first piano virtuosos to travel widely throughout Europe. .
1) Kim Novak is an American actress. 2) From Caen, France, the four members of Kim novak, haunted by diversified influences such as indie pop, soul music and classic rock, manage to combine a melodic, groovy and electric setlist. 3) Or perhaps Kim Novak is the girl from Texas with the sultry voice who contributes vocals to Raspberry Silk and Osiris the Rebirth. .
Pochodzący z Oulu w Finlandii Sasu Ripatti (aka Vladislav Delay, aka Uusitalo, aka Luomo, aka Conoco, aka Sistol, aka Bright People) uważany jest dziś za jednego z najważniejszych i najpłodniejszych reprezentantów sceny ambient - techno. Sasu Ripatti od wczesnych lat młodości uczył się jazzu, grając na perkusji. Jak sam mówi "na perkusji grałem i gram całe życie, cały jestem przesycony rytmem" - i faktycznie, struktura rytmiczna odgrywa w jego kompozycjach funkcję bardzo ważną nawet wtedy, gdy puls jest jedynie "podskórnie" wyczuwalny. Jazzowe korzenie można znaleźć również w samej konstrukcji kawałków nagrywanych przez muzyka - bardzo często swą długością przekraczają 15...