Ganger Baster | pl

Translated from dutch using babelfish. Needs lots of corrections!! They are commonly known as the hardest band of the Netherlands and therefore have a earsmashing live-reputation. The crew differs on each CD. Initially a quartet in the best tradition of Motorhead, after that with gangsta-rapper a bit more funky and more successful, and eventually as a trio the new Rotterdamish pride in metalcore. period 1982 - 1998 crew Joop Dops jet ear Karel Dops jet ear Skoeter bass jet ear, song remaining musicians Ed d. Patrick V. jet ear Wrk Douge quick history 1982 - 1990 The link acquires gradually...
Formed in march 1995, in Glasgow, with the idea of doing a kind of krautrock thing - lots of folk were listening to Can / Neu / Kraftwerk / etc. at the time. They started with two basses (Stuart & Graham, later Natasha Noramly), two drummers (James & Steven), keyboards, guitar & clarinet (Lucy). They split in April 2000. .
DoppelgangeR to rosyjski zespół gothic rockowy, jeden z najstarszych. Ich ostatnia płyta nosi tytuł “12 Steps To Inhumanity” (2008). W skład zespołu wchodzą Dmitriy Flo (bas, wokal), Black Cat (gitara) oraz Maggoth (perkusja). Grupa wydała dotychczas w sumie 7 albumów. Historia grupy zaczęła się, gdy dwoje przyjaciół Andrej Malinovskij i Aleksander Klimov zdecydowali zorganizować własny projekt w Moskwie, w 1994r. Dali swojemu tworowi niezwykłą nazwę - DoppelgangeR. Po niemiecku oznacza ozna "podwójny". W mitologii doppelgangerami nazywano złe duchy, które zajmowały miejsce osoby prześladowanej ("a nie ma nic straszniejszego niż zauważyć, że twój własny cień wstaje z podłogi, posiada ciało i...
Ontario's answer to the Bevis Frond, the Orange Alabaster Mushroom is bedroom D.I.Y. auteur Greg Watson, whose one-man band reproductions of classic circa-1967 psych-pop are so dead-on perfect in every detail that one could play this collection of 1991-1998 recordings for any fan of Nuggets-era obscurities and they'd think it was authentic circa 1967 psych-pop. Farfisa organ, gloriously fuzzy guitars, and rattlesnake percussion (plus occasionally the obligatory sitar and trippy backwards tapes) support Watson's deliciously whiny vocals, but this is no mere period recreation. Unlike a lot of contemporary artists who try to work in this style, Watson doesn't forget...
There is more than one artist with this name. 1. Australian christian pop rock band from Queensland. 2. An African accapella group. .