Advanced Language | pl

Busy saving the city from the brick wall arm crossing and the casual head nods, Brooklyn's own Body Language has risen from the DIY venue basements armed with the kinetic dynamite you would expect from the name. Their original music was born from weekly dance party remixes crafted by Grant Wheeler and Matt Young, and graced by the soul stylings of Ms. Angelica Bess. Their efforts, which illustrated their arrival into Brooklyn, were delivered in a five track EP called “Speaks". Since the EP release, Body Language has been touring with Zero 7, Sia and burning holes in New York...
[1] LANGUAGE PDX is a 3 piece electro indie loops based band from Portland OR. [2] Language are a 5-piece alternative/rock band from Bath [3] Language was: James Lee, Maxim Rad, Bob Carter, Eddi Reader, Nassim Khalifa, Debbie King, Steve Hale & Daniel Bontjes Van Beek. [4] Language - are electronic/post rock band from Tokyo, Japan Official site: .
Zespół powstał w 1985 roku w Tampere, Finlandia, kiedy starzy znajomi Jana i Pete zapoznali Vince, któremu wspomnieli o ich synthpopowym zespole co pobudziło jego zainteresowanie wspólną grą. Zapomnieli jednak dodać, że nie mają żadnych piosenek ani sprzętu. Mimo to zespół zaczął działalność ewoluując od synth pop w kierunku EBM oraz Industrial co nie przeszkadzało im zaczynać koncertów od wyznania, że grają pop. Trzon zespołu stanowili Jana (wokal, teksty) oraz Vince (instrumenty, komponowanie). W pierwszym okresie działalności zespół nagrał kilka kaset demo pod nazwą Abstract (później wydanych na CD dla VUZ Records) oraz zagrał parę koncertów jako Authorized Version. Po...
Emanuele and Fulvio met for the first time at parties in Italy. Both with the passion of creating their own beats they decided to begin creating music togheter and so Advanced Dealers was born. After a couple of years of hard work, spending days and nights in studio, finally they got a chance with Cenobite Records! But this is just the beginning and more beats are going to come soon! .
Znaleziony 34 piosenki, Trwanie: 04:58:16
Advanced Forward
Language Leader Advanced
Teleconferencing: Using Diplomatic Language
Language Leader Advanced
Somewhere Around Her
They Built Me Up
One Foot In The Water
Advanced Forward – 175 BPM
Language Leader Advanced
Δdvanced Forward [ Original MIX ]