Bilk | pl

Acker Bilk, właśc. Bernard Stanley Bilk (ur. 28 stycznia 1929 w Pensford (Somerset) – brytyjski, klarnecista, kompozytor, wokalista i kierownik zespołu jazzowego. Karierę zawodową rozpoczął w wieku 18 lat. W 1958 wyszła jego pierwsza płyta "Mr Acker Bilk Requests", która zapoczątkowała jego karierę. Towarzyszył mu zespół Paramount Jazz Band. Wystąpił w kilku filmach. W 1956 gościł w Polsce jeszcze jako mało znany muzyk. W 1962 wydał wspólną płytę z Kenny Ballem i Chrisem Barberem. Najpopularniejsze nagrania: "Stranger on the Shore", "Buona Sera", "That's My Home", "Summer Set". Wybrana dyskografia: Seven Ages of Acker (1960) Stranger on the Shore (1961) A...
There are at least two bands named Bilk: 1) BILK were formed in Zagreb, Croatia in 1999. The line-up was unstable for years, until it got reduced to the steady and dedicated base. Tin Oberman, Janko Novoselic, Luka Vrbanic are young students of architecture, music and medicine and they use their crafts and gifts fully - building their sound with surgery precision. With people joining and leaving the band, BILK went through many phases and music styles and this experience broadened their musical horizons. They recorded a few demos, played many shows and appeared on some music competitions like the...
The Bilkent Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1993 as an original artistic project of Bilkent University. Developed by the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, the orchestra is composed of over 90 proficient artists and academicians of the Faculty from Turkey and 12 countries. Turkish and foreign artists, continuing their post graduate studies at the Institute of Music and Performing Arts also participate in concerts to further expand the orchestra. With these characteristics the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, is the first private, international and academic, artistic ensemble in Turkey. Starting as the 'Bilkent Sinfonietta' the symphonic orchestra now has the identity...
Superbilk were a short-lived rock band from the 90s. They released 2 albums: a self-titled album and Konfitüre. Their music ranges from punk rock (on tracks such as Bildidee or Radical) to a mellower pop/rock sound (such as on Weites Land or Tag Geglückt). After 1997, the band split as the lead vocalist, Wicki Wehrmeister, left to join Klaus Dinger's band La! Neu?. Band members: Wicki Wehrmeister (vocals, tenor saxophone) Stefan Kürten (guitar) Gerrit Nowatzki (bass, flute) Bernhard Klinkhammer (drums, tambourine, rattle) Albums: Superbilk (1996) Konfitüre (1997) Singles: Bildidee b/w Kookai (split single with Kreidler) (1995) .