Jean-Marc Staehle | pl

Guitars, objects, tapes. Jean-Marc Montera was co-founder of the GRIM (Groupe of Search and Musical Improvisation) in 1978. Has works in a wide variety of situations: solo, in groups of different sizes Ð in both situations appearing at many festivals Ð and particularly in association with artists from other backgrounds: with dance companies; composing and creating music for film and theatre; and working with graphics scores. more on european free improvisation pages .
Jean-Marc Duchenne, born in 1959, is an artist and a researcher specialized in experimental music, mostly within the Electroacoustic and Concrete Music genres. .
Born in 1957, Jean-Marc Vivenza is a french writer, philosopher, composer, musician and musicologist strongly influenced by esoteric currents. Devoted to sound and musical experimentalism, Vivenza work aims specially the electroacoustic and futurism. Nâgârjuna, René Guénon, Jacob Boehme, Joseph de Maistre, Martinès de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin or Jean-Baptiste Willermoz are some of is his past and present influences. Discography: Europe - Force - Unité - Métal (Cass) Métallurgie (Cass) Modes Réels Collectifs (Cass, C40) Réalité De L'Automation (Cass, C40) Veriti Plastici (Cass, C40) Fondements Bruitistes (7") 1984 Réalités Servo Mécaniques (LP) 1984 Essentialité Métallique (Cass) 1985 Machines (12") 1985...
Jean-Marc Luisada (Born June 3, 1958) is a pianist born in Bizerte, Tunisia. At the age of 16 he commenced studies at the Conservatoire de Paris, under Dominique Merlet (piano) and Genevieve Joy-Dutilleux (chamber music). He has also studied with Nikita Magaloff and Paul Badura-Skoda. Among his recordings are the waltzes and mazurkas of Chopin and the infrequently-heard chamber version of the first Chopin piano concerto, recorded with the Talich Quartet. Luisada's playing is characterised by an exquisitely nuanced technique that places it in the tradition of Isidor Phillip, Magaloff's own teacher. He has a passion for detail which can... After studying music at the conservatory and practice in many groups, Jean-Marc Staehle experiments in the 80 yoga and meditation that led him to compose new musical forms to experiment with other states of being . Il se tourne alors définitivement vers un art évocateur d'harmonie et de bien-être dont il puise la source à l'intérieur de lui. He then turned definitively to an evocative art of harmony and well-being of which he draws the source inside of him. Ses instruments de prédilection sont le piano et les claviers avec lesquels il utilise de nombreuses sonorités orchestrales, ainsi que...