32FramesPerSecond | pl

32FramesPerSecond play fast melodic punk and make no apologies for it. Trapped in sleepy East Anglia, these four misfits from around the country have spent the past 3 years rocking the bollocks off Norwich and beyond with music that encompasses the best elements of melodically driven punk and the fast, all-out aggression of their harder-edged influences. Sticking proudly to their roots whilst mixing influences from right across the punk/hardcore board, this band has developed a distinctive sound described by Punktastic.com as "energetic punk anthems in the truest sense, all swooping harmonies and breathless pace," which makes for a refreshing change...
Znaleziony 21 piosenki, Trwanie: 53:02
Didn't You Used To Be In A Ska Band?
Let Me Sleep
Stop Wishing You're Somewhere Else
Pistols in Dawn
All Those Lost Days
Pistols in Dawn
Where Is Everyone?
Serving Suggestions
Forecast Darkest Skies
Shit Hits The Fan
Tried a Thousand Times
Didn't You Used To Be In A Ska
Nothing Left
Yipee-Ki-Yay Motherfucker