Nadia Batson, Alison Hinds | pl

Alison Krauss (ur. 23 lipca 1971 w Decatur, Illinois) - amerykańska piosenkarka bluegrass i country, gra na skrzypcach. Swój pierwszy album "Too Late to Cry" nagrała w 1987 r. Od 1989 r. występuje z zespołem jako Alison Krauss & Union Station (AKUS). Do tej pory nagrała dwanaście albumów oraz wiele soundtracków ( O Brother, Where Art Thou?; Cold Mountain). W swojej karierze zdobyła 26 nagród Grammy Awards, co czyni ją jedną z najbardziej utytułowanych piosenkarek w historii rozdań Grammy. W 2009 r. dostała Grammy za płytę "Raising Sand" nagraną w duecie z Robertem Plantem. .
U.K. born Alison David came into the music industry from a dance fusion aspect, playing with bands such as Life's Addiction, Red Snapper, Speeka, Black Science Orchestra, Freeland and Bugz In the Attic. The solo release that put her name on the map was a remix of her song Dreams Come True by Afronaught. Her vocals range between jazz, soul and rock and always have a tangible emotion within them. Her solo music is hard to pigeonhole although her influences are undoubtably from afro american songbooks. .
"The Alison Project is a one-man project based out of Canada which came to life in mid-2005 when I started to build a modular synthesizer. The goal of The Alison Project is not to produce one genre of music, but rather to make ambient, drone, noise, and experimental music that is both dark and unsettling to listen to. Reminiscent of tracks from horror movies and horror-based videogames, The Alison Project creates atmosphere that triggers adrenaline and inspires dis-ease in those unfortunate enough to hear it." .
One of the best 60’s reviver bands in the world and main reference of the Reggae movement since their flying saucer landed to stay, more than 12 years ago.

Their American fans are by thousands, and it was in Mexico City where they gathered, in 2009, in a single massive concert, his followers of the continent. The old Europe surrenders to their spanish lyrics, these guys have taken proudly their home city name (Granada) all over the known universe. Their 2011 single ‘Por Mucho Que Pasen Los Años / A 6.000.000 de Años Luz’ was sold out within weeks of...