The Rockin Berries | pl

Bracia z Limerick, Noel i Mike Hogan, założyli zespół The Cranberries wraz z Fergalem Lawlerem w roku 1990. Na początku nazywali się The Cranberry Saw Us (co fonetycznie może oznaczać "sos żurawinowy"). Wokalistą był wtedy Niall Quinn, którego ekstrawaganckie upodobania objawiły się w tytułach piosenek, takich jak "My Grandma drowned in a fountain in Lourdes", "I was always all ways" oraz "Throw Me Down A Big Stairs". Kiedy opuścił zespół, przesłuchania wygrała i jego miejsce zajęła Dolores O'Riordan, wówczas przyjaciółka dziewczyny Nialla. Dolores szybko pokazała swoje umiejętności w pisaniu tekstów. Kiedy dostała od zespołu demo z muzyką do utworu...
Self-described as a "pan-bay songcraft collective on the path to the door to the path", this San Francisco-area band features Mateo Jaffe, Lewis Ames, Al Wollmer, James "Jim" Devera, and Dmitri Seals, with guests including Ethan Lee. Eclectic instrumentation blending traditional singer-songwriter folk music, free-form impressionist improvisation, and experimental noise can be found at the band's website or myspace page. .
The Rocking Horse Winner was an indie band from Florida. They were made up from members of As Friends Rust, and Jolie Lindholm, who has been featured on most of the Dashboard Confessional albums. Henry Olmino, Jeronimo Gomez and Mathew Crum had played together in As Friends Rust for the first demo. The band soon broke up, and they moved on to Red Letter Day in which they oriented towards the indie rock sound. After some years of playing together, the band recruited Jolie Lindholm from their college, and called themselves "The Rocking Horse Winner" after a short story by...
The Huckleberries began life in 1996 as a busking duo on the streets of Bournemouth, and has now grown to a six piece band that comprises 5-string Banjo/Mandolin, Mandola, Fiddle, Guitar, Harmonica, Electric Bass and Drums.The band gather their musical influences from traditional folk, bluegrass, latin, eastern and celtic music and combine this with global dance rhythms and good time stomps! which is proving to have a wide appeal in all sections of the music loving public. In the last few years they have performed at a wide range of festivals and venues around the country which include Glastonbury Festival,...