Tokyo GhoulRe | pl

Neo Tokyo is a electronic band from Wales, UK. He had made some remixes and original tracks. His songs has a specially a great reception on internet blog and music sites, like The Hype Machine, where the remix of "Passion Pit - Sleepyhead" reached the number one and appeared on Rolling Stone site on may 2009. Neo Tokyo has a decent list of remixes (official and not), from bands like Chanty Poe, Hot Knives, Britney Spears, etc. Their song "Laser Laser" also reached top 10 on electronic online store Beatport and appeared on compilation "Boxon Makes Me Happy" on january...
Tokyo Sex Destruction consists of JC Sinclair, RR Sinclair, RJ Sinclair, and SF Sinclair (The Sinclair Family, whatever that means). It's not an easy task to define their sound: 60s garage rock meets soul, meets left winged political music, meets indie rock. The Band is from Barcelona, Spain. The band is known by its productivity, since 2002 they have played more than 100 times per year, released three albums and 2 EP's. They're known across Europe, where they've become a referent of the European rock music. Although they come from Spain, they have had a huge success in France. Their...
Tokyo Future is an eurobeat project produced by Sinclair and Newfield. Vocals by Fernando Bonini and Maurizio De Jorio. Singles: "Tokyo Future (Feat. Mako & Marko Polo)", "Da Burning Tokyo" and "Listen To Eurobeat". The same duo still releases singles from time to time as "Dejo & Bon" under SinclaireStyle. .
In 1998 Steve Carpenter, Anna Macdonald, Sean Evans and Tony Keenan got together, wrote some pop songs, called themselves 'bobafett' and played tons of gigs. They did this for about 2 years. During that time they recorded and released 2 cd-r type demo/album things all by themselves. In late 2000, with the imminent arrival of the star wars special edition, they decided to change the name of their band. It was at this point that 'tokyo adventures' were born. Based on the Wirral, the band released a number of compact disc recordings starting in 2000 with their debut mini album...
Trouble Over Tokyo, to projekt 29-letniego Christophera M. Taylora, którego Brytyjskie media okrzyknęły wodzirejem stylu “indie-electro”. Tym razem nie zamierzam bawić się w muzyczne łatki i już na wstępie powiem, że album spodoba się fanom Thoma Yorke’a (Radiohead), popularnego rok temu Miki oraz po części Justina Timberlake’a. „Pyramides” to zgrabny kolaż wpisujący się po trochu w twórczość każdego z wymienionych przeze mnie panów. Trzeba przyznać, że to bardzo skrajne inspiracje, ale Londyńczyk uplótł z nich całkiem zgrabny kompozycyjnie album. Jako Trouble Over Tokyo Taylor sporo czerpie również ze singer-songwriterskiej wrażliwości, z tymże oprócz samej gitary czy fortepianu ma do dyspozycji...