Helter Skelter | pl

Shelter - amerykański zespół muzyczny z Nowego Jorku grający muzykę gatunku hardcore. Założony przez Raya Cappo i Porcella z Youth of Today. Shelter był współtwórcą i czołowym przedstawicielem odmiany hardcore zwanej krishnacore, będącego połączeniem straight edge i filozofii głoszonej przez Hare Kryszna. Rozpadł się w roku 2001 po wydaniu albumu The Purpose, the Passion. Shelter wznowił działalność na wiosnę 2006 roku wydaniem albumu Eternal, jednak z dawnego składu pozostał tylko Ray Cappo, a Porcella zastąpiła żona Raya - Śri. .
SHELTER RED - THE SPLIT SABRE AT LONG LAST HERE IS THE OFFICIAL RELEASE INFO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYiN_PcK9N8 AND make sure you check out our kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/303940776/shelter-red-the-split-sabre Shelter Red is an instrumental band from Portland, Oregon, US that plays in the vein of Pelican, OXES, and Dysrhythmia, comprised of Stephan Hawkes (guitar, drums) and Austin Crook (bass guitar). They have been around since the turn of the century, and have had three releases to date: a self titled demo in 2003, 2007's full length debut "Masters of the Universe" and 2009's "Strike a Mortal Terror", released on Sound VS. Silence Records. .
All the Shelters is a five-piece Metalcore / Post-Hardcore band that's always up for a party! They play a Spicy and manifold metalcore... ATS has one and only goal : set the fire on stages as much as possible, meet lots and lots of people and bring their music to you! The band put a 6 tracks EP out in 2011, entitled "Reach". On March 2012, the first video clip was released. ATS is looking for a booking agency and a label in order to promote their brand new EP and music video LIFETIME, both released in January 2013. They...
Chaos as Shelter is a one-man ambient project from Israel created by a man named Vadim Gusis. This project is often lumped into the dark ambient genre, which is a mistake. Gusis, being a nocturnal person, does compose his work deep into the night, but does so in order to reach a sort of meditative tranquility, something his music conveys quite well. .