Deka Dred | pl

There are more than one artists with the name Dredd. 1) Dredd is a 3 piece hardcore crust/sludge band from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Discography Cursed Earth (2011) Cassette, CD - Self released Recurring Nightmare (2012) Cassette - Downside Records 2) Mametaliev Nizam Ruslanovich, born 01.08.1989 year. in Kazakstan, Almaty. From an early age was fond of music, films and computer programs that are currently led to his creative work. He graduated from the 9 classes in the Almaty School N69, after he entered the college which was completed in 2009. Almost all his life spent without parents in a difficult...
The Hundred Acre Woods, a folk/punk band based in Philadelphia, formed in the latter half of 2009, aims to convey a message that is both young and old. These Philadelphia transplants blend the honesty and sincerity of traditional folk music with the raw energy and drive of punk rock. Drawing influence from both the fast-paced city life, and their suburban roots, The Hundred Acre Woods break the traditional “rules,” of both punk and folk, creating a new and refreshing sound characterized by driving banjo hooks and rich vocal harmonies. The songwriting team of Reinhardt and Stevens culminates in a duality...
Leteći Odred is Croatian pop rock band who used to be popular in mid 1990s. It's name means “Flying Squad” in Croatian. The lyrics of their songs were occasionally influenced by 1991-95 war and used patriotic motives. But the band refused to use folk and turbo folk in their music. Members: Denis Dumančić Hrvoje Hum Marijan Kiš Miroslav Lesić lesique Kristijan Zorijan Damir Galeković - Taban Discography: 1992 - Među zvijezdama 1994 - Kada odletim 1996 - Od Prevlake do Dunava 1997 - Kuda ide ovaj vlak 1999 - Vrijeme 2001 - Daj mi sebe 2004 - Razglednice 2007 -...
Hundred Air is Adam Price's band and Makeout City is his first record. Adam writes, plays guitar, sings, drinks and cracks funnies. Before forming Hundred Air Adam was in the semi-quasi-barely-not really-famous indie pop band The Mayflies USA, was a founding member of The Comas and currently plays bass for Work Clothes. Lee Waters(Work Clothes, The Essex Green) played drums on the record. Additional instrumentation and vocals provided by Jeff Clarke(ex-Cub Country, sometimes Portastatic member) and Jenny Waters (Work Clothes). Recorded by Brian Paulson(Wilco, Superchunk, Archers of Loaf). "a wonderfully rich album of timeless sounding power pop from Adam Price...
A side project of The Appleseed Cast members Aaron Pillar and Christopher Crisci. Hundred Hands lets Pillar take the lead, while Cast features Crisci doing more of the songwriting and singing duties. In the process for some time, Hundred Hands is Pillar's emotional vent, as he expels bad experiences in relationships and other aspects of life, putting it all in somewhat cryptic, poetic prose. .