Leteći Odred | pl

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Leteći Odred is Croatian pop rock band who used to be popular in mid 1990s. It's name means “Flying Squad” in Croatian.

The lyrics of their songs were occasionally influenced by 1991-95 war and used patriotic motives. But the band refused to use folk and turbo folk in their music.

Denis Dumančić
Hrvoje Hum
Marijan Kiš
Miroslav Lesić lesique
Kristijan Zorijan
Damir Galeković - Taban

1992 - Među zvijezdama
1994 - Kada odletim
1996 - Od Prevlake do Dunava
1997 - Kuda ide ovaj vlak
1999 - Vrijeme
2001 - Daj mi sebe
2004 - Razglednice
2007 - Jutro poslije brijanja .

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