The Pleasants | pl

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The Pleasants are Amanda Rogers and Mike Matta.

The Pleasants were born in the green mountains of Vermont in 2009 on a crisp, frost covered, April morning. Mixing equal parts whiskey, dusty earth, and spring water, The Pleasants evoke a strange sense of longing for simpler times and lyrically draw on past experiences when young hearts and minds are unspoiled and uncorrupted by modern exploitations. Sometimes described as Americana but best described as “Intense Folk”, The Pleasants weave together music familiar yet altogether new. Bonded by their love of REAL music, this song-writing duo (Amanda Rogers and Mike Matta) has bounded on their musical journey to writing "the most undeniably best song ever." They have recently finished their first record appropriately titled "Forests and Fields" which will be available in the U.S. through Do It Together Records and Expect Candy in Europe.

Ther website is at .

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