SecondaryCell | pl

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SecondaryCell creates electronic music which falls somewhere within the IDM, downtempo, chill-out and ambient musical styles, yet has an accessible, earthy quality that comes from a different perspective.

Once described as sounding like Ulrich Schnauss meets Boards Of Canada in a dark alley, SecondaryCell acknowledges the influence of these two artists as well as several others including Bola, Kettle, Luscine, Proem and early Tangerine Dream.

The SecondaryCell debut release was created from an intense creative experience. In SC's own words "It was incredible - I've never had an experience like it before. Basically I couldn't touch a keyboard or guitar without a piece of music coming out. I felt like the music was coming through me from somewhere else - another place. I was almost totally unaware of what notes I was playing, what key I was in or any other analytical aspect of the music. It was like playing with a Ouija board, my hands were moving over the instruments but I didn't know what was coming through me... or where it was coming from. An even odder experience for me was how I felt when I listened back to the tracks that were beginning to take form. It was as if I was listening to someone else's music, I didn't feel like I had written the material. Also, I was getting huge emotional responses from this new music, chills down the spine / hair standing up on the back of the neck kind of feelings. That had never happened with my previous projects, and I was sure that this music was true, in other words not conceived with any other purpose than to be what it was. My biggest job was just trying to stay out of the way as much as possible - not to second guess anything, or to try and steer the music in any predetermined direction."

"And so SecondaryCell was born - my hope is that you will find something in the music that touches you in some way, as it did for me. I consider it to be a gift given to me, and I'm simply the messenger trying to pass it along to anyone that might be interested."

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