Scaremaker | pl

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The band is made up of 3 fiends who live and breathe horror and true metal and are dedicated to creating memorable songs and focusing on their obsession with everything they have loved as fans over the past 20 years.

Vanessa Nocera has been playing guitar since the age of 11, but writing music since she could speak. Her love of horror films began at age 2 and her love of metal at age 7. Past bands have included; Slash Dementia, Wolfhollow, Red Harlow, and SUCK. Her influences range from the horror comics of her fathers she read from an early age, to the art of horror films she obsessed over through the years. Musically she has sited Chuck Schuldiner of Death, Bill Steer of Carcass and Ihsahn of Emperor as her "3 guitar Gods". She loves all genres of music and loves to sing, but the early works of Chris Barnes of Cannibal Corpse was the reason she started practicing death growls at the ripe age of 13.

Billy Nocera is best known for his work with Razorback Recordings along with his lyrics, band names, and song titles for many well known underground death metal bands today. He has done vocals for various projects in the 90's and has finally returned to doing music after a decade of releasing albums from other bands. He brings forth his obsessive dedication to horror worship and a deranged vocal assault highly influenced by his mentor, the mighty Stevo from his all-time favorite underground metal band, Impetigo.

Elektrokutioner is the prolific metal madman-musician best known from the band Decrepitaph. He is the most hard working, non-lazy, reliable drummer in underground metal today. A musician who does things the old-school way and always achieves that vintage sound that is sadly almost forgotten today. His drumming skills are wide varied with awesome double bass, blasts, thrash and punk beats, and more. .

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