Oscar Danielson | pl

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With his first CD from 1996, "Schysst & Populär", Oscar Danielson found a new form of the Northern mix of melancholic jazzed pop. The lyrics are fondly amusing, subtle and cunningly written, often displaying himself or his own type as somewhat peculiar or at least, not from his best side. The humor of the text combines the "schysstness" of the music in a very Scandinavian way of music.

Oscar has expanded his diversity in music, however still maintaining the same mood and feeling, with his later albums, "Gitarren är mitt svärd" and "Att vara vacker är modernt igen".

Oscar has grown a fairly large group of faithful fans in particularly Sweden, Denmark and Norway. In 2005 however, Oscar turned more towards writing books.

In 2007 he made a comeback with the subtle and down-to-earth "En bild av lycka att spara på"

For more information see http://www.oscardanielson.se/ or http://www.vesper.se/ .