Once Upon a Time | pl

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There are several artists with this name.

1)Once Upon A Time were a post-punk/rock band from Australia
2)Once Upon A Time is also a Hardcore band from Spain
3)Once Upon A Time is also a Psychedelic Trance project from Kliment Dichev, Bulgaria
4)Once Upon A Time is a Hardrock n'roll band from Oskarshamn, Sweden

---------Once Upon A Time were a post-punk/rock band from Australia----------

Once Upon A Time 1985-1995

ONCE UPON A TIME were formed in Melbourne, Australia, by singer songwriter BRUNO ADAMS and ex-members of local Underground acts; HAREM SCAREM, WHIRLYWIRLD, and CRIME & THE CITY SOLUTION. Supported international acts; NICO, SCREAMING JAY HAWKINS, THE SWANS, THE GUN CLUB, CRIME & THE CITY SOLUTION and NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS. They recorded three LPs and worked with Tony Cohen and Mick Harvey.

Band Members:
Bruno Adams - Vox & Guitar.
Chris Russell - Piano & Organ.
Ollie peters - Bass.
Chris Hughes - Drums.
Bob King - Samples, Keys & Bowed Guitar.

---------Once Upon A Time is also a Hardcore band from Spain----------

Once Upon A Time started as a band in late 90s.
After some years of sound research and some gigs in their village; Hospitalet de l'Infant (130km S from Barcelona) they recorded their first demo ‘enjoy!’ in 2002. Only 100 poor quality copies were issued.
After that they started to play some shows in Barcelona and they definitely found a sound which made them feel comfortable.
In February 2005, after more shows, their first self-produced album was released containing 7 tracks of melodic old school hardcore with a good sound.

Band Members:
Victor: Voice
David: Guitar
Oriol: Bass
Valen: Drums

---------Once Upon A Time is also a Psychedelic Trance project from Kliment Dichev, Bulgaria---------


https://www.facebook.com/pages/Once-Upon-a-Time-aka-Kliment-Dichev/214179721927067 ~

: "Once Upon a Time is a quest project about the cosmic energy which electronic music can offer to dance floor travellers ... "
... These sonic fairytale soundscapes flow across a sea of Deep, Dark and melodic Psychedelic atmospheres, using cinematic blends and organic elements with a pumping Psychedelic Trance rhythm ... "They drive you through a tunnel of lights and shadows, depths and peaks, eerie and magical"

~ Kliments' Psytrance project is geared towards the early evening or morning dancefloor.

~ His debut album with this project : The Book of Mirrors is out on Blue Hour Sounds and can be found on Bandcamp/Beatspace here : http://beatspace-bluehoursounds.bandcamp.com/album/once-upon-a-time-the-book-of-mirrors-blue-hour-sounds
... and on the Blue Hour Sounds Web Site here : http://bluehoursounds.com/

---------Once Upon A Time is a Hardrock n'roll band from Oskarshamn, Sweden.---------

first lineup of the band was:
Annie Angel: Song
Luddy Os-bourne: Guitar and back vocals
Paz the Baz: Bas guitar
Dortmund Freud: Drumms

Later on about a year after their first record "Dangerous Sensation" Annie left the band and was later on replaced by "Simon Says".

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