No Talent | pl

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The story so far....

No Talent were originally formed in early 2004. By that time, 6 kids in middle school decided to make a "cover band". Songs from Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Finch, Story of The Year, etc. were covered and done on many stages. These kids were Ichan, Dimas, Genta, Gianni, Daniel, and Jaka. Soon, Aceh took Jaka's place as vocal and scream. They were involved in many festivals and local events, being articled in one of local hometown magazine once in 2005.

Soon after that, Gianni decided to leave the band as he didn't enjoy playing drum and wanted to rock the guitar. He quit, and joined a school mate's band "Nothing But Silence" which fortunately founded by No Talent's current guitarist, Armand. The replacement was another kid in the school, Hendy. Then everything went well, they recorded demos, started to spread the words via myspace. The first songs recorded were "Stare Into Your Eyes" and "Cold War in the Sun". The responses went quite well.

In 2007, not very long after the crew graduated from high school, Hendy suddenly decided to quit the band due to personal reasons. Before they even found the new drum player, Genta had to continue his study to Australia. The situation got worse. Trying to survive, Ichan made a 911 call to Armand, asking his help to be an additional guitarist. With no hesitation, Armand agreed to help them while their search of Genta's replacement went on. And to fill Hendy's abandoned role, they contacted Bayu, their junior in elementary until middle school year, known locally as the punk-based boy with great banging-the-drums power. Luckily, Bayu was eager to help them. So, Ichan, Aceh, Dimas, Daniel continued their music journey with new additions of Armand and Bayu on their side started in October 2007. Also, Ichan asked Anto, other Armand's band mate in NBS to take the keyboard role in the band. Later on January 2008, Armand joined the band officially as the new guitarist after helping them on stages since. Bayu then committed as well to be the man behind No Talent's drum set, couple days after Armand made the agreement with Ichan. Anto then also got into the band as a keyboardist and a screamer. This formation produced an EP entitled "Beneath The Shattered Skyline" in the middle of 2008. Soon before releasing the EP, Dimas, the original guitarist decided to part away with the band due to his study. It was not long after the 'Talents on Parade Tour' they held with ARCK, and S.I.R.A roaming across Central Java, they found Aldo, their senior in high school as the replacement for Dimas.

November 2008, "Beneath The Shattered Skyline" EP was out in the market. The album went good for the rookie. 3000 copies were released, and all of them were sold. And the single "Refleksi Yang Hilang" seems to win special places on their listeners' heart.

No Talent held a "late" launch party of their EP in March 2009, performing 9 songs that night in front of approximately 400 people who came to the party without Daniel, as he's been studying at a university in Jogja since finished High School, and couldn't make it to the party that time. Soon, the band decided that the best thing to do is continuing the journey without Daniel, as he didn't have the same vision with the crew anymore.

The formation of Aceh on vocal, Armand and Aldo on guitar, Bayu on drums, Anto on keys, and Ichan on bass (who is in the mean time being replaced by Ichal as additional player since he's studying in Germany) remained solid.With all of the bad things happened, the six other guys didn't get carried away, and rocked the stages even more yet louder, from small to the big ones, they performed in various stages. They made it to Singapore to perform in a year-end festival on December 2009 with local act like "A Vaccant Affair", and Australian "Closure In Moscow". They closed that year with a very notable achievement.

Entering year 2010, they started the year with new album planning. The boys returned to studio, to record their new songs for the upcoming album. Kamar Studio is the place they chose, teaming up with Adi Saptadi (Kutunggu Jandamu, For The Flames Beneath Your Bridge, Backalley) as the producer on the deck. The road wasn't always smooth as it seemed, after recording some songs, Aceh gave his band mates a major surprise. He decided to leave the band due to studying reason. He chose to focus on his study, as he was closing to his final project. The same thing happened to Anto he decided to leave the band to chase another musical endeavour. The band were experiencing a downfall. The recording session was stopped for a while.

After 3 months of being on stage with Adis Perdana who took the vacant microphone temporarily, Adi Saptadi offered his friend, Ayie, a 24 year old guy who works daily as a designer, to take the lead as No Talent's singer. Ayie then recorded his voice sample at Kamar Studio. After being listened by the band, Ayie was welcomed as the new No Talent's singer. The band then re-record their songs, to adjust Ayie's style of vocal, and ready to rock the whole nation with their upcoming album. In April 2011 Armand and Bayu was resigned and the formation of current leaving only 3 players, Ichan, Ayie, Aldo. .