Lindsey Kane | pl

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Lindsey Kane has learned this reality and taken it to heart. As you listen to the words of her songs, it is amazing how many of them might just relate to seasons of your own life. She is a gifted song writer, worship leader, singer and musician who has a knack for getting straight to the heart of the matter in an engaging and compelling way.

Lindsey loves life and she loves people. God has placed in her heart a desire to make others feel special, especially women. One of the ways she is doing that is through her “Measure of Beauty” campaign. God gave her the words and music to this song in college and she has had the privilege of sharing it with thousands of women as God has opened the door through different venues to share His words for true beauty. Lindsey says, “The reason I am so passionate about this is because I know what it’s like to struggle throughout the day and doubt who you have been created to be. I pray that God will remind you that He has formed you in His image.” The words from the song “Measure of Beauty” are directly from scripture – Psalm 45:11, Psalm 139:14, and Song of Solomon 4:7 – and so Lindsey is absolutely confident of the message God has for his children, especially Daddy’s little girls.

Lindsey’s sound and overall ministry is unique and Christ-centered. It is a mixture of soft intimate vocals on the piano and gritty raw vocals on the guitar with an acoustic pop/rock feel. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. While watching her live, whether she is leading worship or sharing original music, you are captivated by the purity of her heart and her boldness to speak truth as she communicates with authenticity. Her humor wraps it all together in a package that engages the audience and helps them to feel like they are a part of every song. The wisdom she shares is beyond her 26 years – she is incredibly anointed. Of the songs she writes, Lindsey says, “God inspires all of my music and I believe that He gives me all the songs. I love traveling all across the United States with the message of bringing glory to God and passion to people. I think we were created to bring glory to God, so I’m trying to do that through music.”

Lindsey Kane’s goal is to bring glory to God and passion to people speficially through ministry events, leading worship, and speaking at all different kinds of events across the country and even the world. She hopes to challenge worshippers to worship in Spirit and in Truth, as God desires. Lindsey says, “God has given me a deep passion to lead people in worship to His throneroom, past the outer courts and into the Holy of Holies. He is there waiting for His children to lift their voices to Him in authentic worship.”

Lindsey began her relationship with Jesus at the age of 8 when she asked Him to be her Lord and Savior. She has been learning to walk with Him and let Him live within her and minister through her ever since. Lindsey says, “I am in love with my Savior and Lord Jesus. I was created to worship Him everyday. By His grace, He has given me the passion of worshipping Him through song.”

She grew up in Midland, Texas but moved to Austin, Texas with her family when she was a junior in High School. It was one summer after that move that she decided to teach herself how to play the guitar. Within one week of learning, she wrote her first song. She started playing guitar and learning the typical praise and worship chords. She kept writing songs and playing really small coffee houses as God opened doors. She smiles as she thinks on the days when she sang on praise and worship teams to “…try and get beyond my fear of singing in front of people. Now I do it for a living! God has quite the sense of humor.”

After high school, Lindsey left Austin to attend college at Texas A&M University. It was there during her Sophomore year that she heard God’s call to full-time ministry. While finishing her college education, God opened the door for her to begin singing, playing and performing almost every weekend around the state. And once she graduated in December 2004, she accepted God’s call and took the leap of faith to jump into full-time ministry. Now living in Austin again, Lindsey is on the road full-time traveling wherever God takes her all across the country. She has had the opportunity to sing, teach, and/or lead worship at conferences, retreats, seminars, events and camps for men and women of all ages all across the country. LK has a passion for overseas missions and caring for the poor and oppressed. Lindsey says, “Each day is a new day where I get to wake up and realize all over again that I have the best job in the whole world, because it’s not even a job, it’s a calling!”

Lindsey is a Compassion International artist. She is dedicated to being a voice for the voiceless, sharing her story of how Compassion has personally impacted her life and ministry. Ever since reading and connecting with James 1:27, Lindsey's ministry has developed into one with a deep passion for ministering to the people Jesus deeply loved. The verse reads, "Pure and undefiled worship [religion] in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit and care for orphans and widows in their time of need." In ministry events, LK loves to share about her own sponsored children (Clare, Brian, and Sareth) whom she loves. These children and the ministry of Compassion have changed her life and calling. For more information on Compassion, please visit

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