Immortal Rites | pl

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1) Immortal Rites are an Indonesian Black Metal band form east java (kediri), their official
Immortal Rites stood on 1998 in Kediri East Java. With the first personal Arifin as vocalist , Anddie as lead guitarist ,Dwe Farmosath as bassist , A’ar as drummer .they tried to mix Death Metal and Black Metal music. Actually, this personal not survive for a long time in early 2001 . At the same year Immortal Rites recruited Dony Petek ( Iconoclasm ) . 5 years in Immortal Rites Arifin got out. Until now their soldiers are: Anddie ( lead guitarist ), Dony Petek ( rhytmes guitarist ), Dwe Farmosath ( bassist, vocalist ), Do-die ( drummer ) wether their music concept is Sadistic Chaos Black Metal. Those soldiers ready to make a darkness with Eastern Hell Command.Email: [email protected]

2) Immortal Rites are a German MDM (Melodic Death Metal) band formed in 1996. Their official website can be found @

3) A hardcore/metal band from the UK, who were signed to Three Swords Records and split up in 2007.

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