Headless Rapist | pl

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HEADLESS RAPIST brought a new sound to the noise scene in early '09, and have continued to hone a unique vision ever since. Widely respected Connecticut hardcore/metal dj NORTHFACE introduced rap vocalist, graffiti artist and "former" coke dealer DARK DRONE to the semi-legal video work of KDSX in late '08. KDSX - who had left the legendary NYC video outfit MADAME CHAO'S early on due to legal difficulties from trafficking underground pornography - saw an opportunity to bring out something few others seemed to want to touch, much less to understand. Their first record - DEVIANT PEDIATRICS - mixed harsh noise, splittercore, guttural vocals, and turntable styling. Follow up records - BORN TO RUIN LIVES, STREET LEVEL DRUG VIOLENCE, TURNED OUT, TRUE HETEROSEXUAL TERRORNOISE - as well as numerous collaborations with internationally respected artists, confirmed that something genuinely new had been dropped on a scene once dominated by bedroom-dwelling nerds with distortion pedals who wished they were Japanese.

So far, the band has not been well received in public, with only three live shows in the NYC and CT areas, all of which were quickly shut down and that brought the attention of the authorities. HR continue to produce new records - now available for free download to avoid legal hassles related to imagery content - and are rumored to begin playing live again some time in 2010.

Recently, one fan had this to say:

"Based out of the murder lanes of moneymakin’ Manhattan NYC. A three member ensemble of creative thinking and forward looking individuals that have no qualms about introducing one to reality. If you are looking for peace and quiet, there is none here for you. Sonic power electronic assault based audio. Headless Rapist captures raw thought processes of lunacy in action. You should feel lucky to walk away unscathed. If you cannot draw a conclusive influence to Headless Rapist’s actions, dig deeper. There is more to this project than just being pleasant."

Like most of their peers, HR are definitely - and definitively - not pleasant. But the group has been clear in distinguishing itself from the death industrial and power electronics scenes. In an interview with the underground 'zine PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE in 2009, HR frontman DR1 said, "We're not industrial, not anything gothic. Fuck that. You want to be morbid and wear black? Go all out and fuck black guys, which is what you want to do anyways. Black is what you wear on the outside because black is what you take on the inside. Imitating Whitehouse is a thing of the past. This is the new shit." .