Gorje Hewek | pl

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Hewek was actually born and raised in Bulgaria, where he credits his parents' record collection with an early, generically fickle passion for music. That same enthusiasm quickly led to a slightly more serious and conservative education, with special attention paid to the accordion and double-bass - both of which seem rather unwieldy options for a young boy.
His transition to Russia commenced with a certain wanderlust, caused and funded by DJ-ing work. In fact, at the age of sixteen and with the help of his then girlfriend, he was also playing on a regular basis in Italian venues. This enthusiasm for the outside, surrounding world endures today in that Hewek still carries with him a dictaphone, in order to record ambient noises, which are subsequently built into his compositions. Likewise, he is an avid collector of still-life natural images, which are lovingly gathered on several web venues. They underscore the kind of structural beauty that goes unnoticed in everyday situations. Reality could use a little improvement.

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