Disturbance Project | pl

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DISTURBANCE PROJECT was formed at the beginning of 2002 as a project with some guys from different bands (DENAK, DISAGREEMENT, MOTIONLESS...) trying to play Grind Core.

In the summer 2003, we recorded our first 6 songs and we made about 70 cdr´s/tapes that were used as promo stuff. The most of them were distributed at the Obscene Extreme this year. Three songs taken from this recording were remixed and included in the "AN OLD FASHIONED GRINDCORE ASSAULT" comp.CD, done by Gerardo and released by 5 spanish labels.

In Autumn 2003 we made a new recording with 4 songs. Together the first recording we made a new promo (GRINDCORE INFERNO) for friends and a few labels.

After DENAK split-up, we´re asked to take their play in the long delayed DENAK/RABIES split 7", and finally the split with RABIES was released with DxPx with the collaboration of some european labels. With the whole material of study (promos and unreleased stuff) was released a split tape with PULMONARY FIBROSIS in Brasil.

In 2004 the first singer of DxPx (Raul) leaves the band and start to sing Jaime and, between 2004 – 2005, we start to play gigs around Spain, made some new stuff that, some of them, was released in a split Cd with the brazilians grinders SUBCUT. In the beginning of 2006 a picture split 7" was released with PxLxFx and we start, this summer, our first european tour with them. This year we play at OEF, but the last band of the day, because we arrived late cause a big problems with traffic between Germany and Czech (We promise that this year we will be there the day before playing).

Since 2007 we play some gigs, only in Spain, cause we have been working principally in new material for two 7" split and a split CD that, today, still hasn't gone out. (we suppose that will be out this year), and two 7" more that will be out this year too.

Well, about our music, we play grindcore old school (at least we think it), with many influences of old/new school grind bands... except the twisted grindmetal bands.

DxPx line up is :

Jaime - Vocals

Alvaro - Guitar

Gerardo - Bass

Juan - Drums


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