Behind The Blindfold | pl

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Behind the Blindfold is located in St. Louis, Missouri. There is a time to love, a time to hate, a time to weep, a time to mourn, and a time to ROCK!!!!! Behind the Blindfold is five members who live by this creed. In a time where music falls under speculation without hesitation Patrick Blair, Matt Elliott, Jim Kopplin, Matt Brennecke, and Derek Maybie have found this to be there dying goal despite the desperate times they have to face. An infusion of Rock and Pop has brought them together to make music that they love and a common bond to step on stage and put forth the effort to leave with plenty of smiles and five soar necks. Sharing a stage with National acts such as Lorene Drive, So they Say, and Bullets and Octane has not stopped them from seeking bigger stages and more fans to play for. Even a sold out show with hometown heroes Story of the Year, and Warped Tour under their belts they are not planning on stopping anytime soon. With a date to play local radio station 105.7 the points annual festival Pointfest with such heavy hitters as Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace they are convinced that the time is now to take their rock to the mainstream and convince all the speculators that they will stop at nothing to take their music to mass levels across the globe. .

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