post-minimalism | nl

Post-minimalism refers to works influenced by minimalism. It is generally categorized within the meta-genre contemporary classical, but is also featured prominently in the music of many popular artists such as Kraftwerk and particularly krautrock bands such as Can and Neu!. Writer and composer Kyle Gann has employed the term more strictly to connote the style that flourished in the 1980s and 1990s and characterized by:

1. a steady pulse, usually continuing throughout a work or movement;
2. a diatonic pitch language, tonal in effect but avoiding traditional functional tonality;
3. general evenness of dynamics, without strong climaxes or nuanced emotionalism; and
4. unlike minimalism, an avoidance of obvious or linear formal design.

Minimalist procedures such as additive and subtractive process are common in post-minimalism, though usually in disguised form, and the style has also shown a capacity for absorbing influences from world and popular music (Balinese gamelan, bluegrass, Jewish cantillation, and so on). .