Bangers | nl

1. A Japanese band featuring Gyu Gyu Disgusteen of DiSGUSTEENS. They are heavily influenced by the Ramones. 2.Formed in March 2004 near the city of Prato, Italy, The Headbangers went through some line-up changes until May 2005. The band is now formed by Johnny (voice and guitar), Simon (guitar), Bilea (bass guitar) and J.B. (drums), while their frontman Cisvo (famous rocker from Prato, also a member of the "Sexy Drive" and "Modern Gloves" bands) joined a while later. Their music went through some changes as well in the last three years: they started from old-school '77 punk -- documented in...
The Fizzy Bangers are a 5 piece pop punk band from Hollywood, California. Band includes Luke Tierney (Pen 15 Club, Silver Jet) Eric Skodis (Imperial Drag) Brian Waters (Flash Express, Jail Weddings) Charles Bernal (Count Spatula) and Brian Durkin. Formed in 1991 the band has a rowdy live show and songs with very humorous lyrics. They released a 1993 EP "Pop a Wheelie" a 1995 album "Look Ma No Talent" and recorded a 1999 album "Fizzy Bangers Conquer the Martians". After a 12 year hiatus the band is currently playing shows again and working on a new record. Their song...
Bangers are a punk rock band from Cornwall. You can download everything they've recorded from .