Hausmylly | nl

Hausmylly (1989-) is an often underrated Finnish pop/dance/rap act, which has gathered a strong following during its long and colorful career. One of the first rap acts in Finland, founded in 1989 by Hannu "Enzo" Pulkkinen & Mika "Micky" Kauppinen. These two former dj's were soon joined by future vocalist, Jari "Drome" Karjalainen who became an important creative force in the band as a composer & producer as well. The first album "Schysteemi" had also Pekka "Dj Psyko" Mykkänen in the background. Together with keyboardist / producer / composer Petri "Lowland" Alanko, the band were responsible for some of the...
Gevonden 28 liedjes, looptijd: 01:51:37
Yksin sateeseen 2020
Kiitolinjan moppitukka
Tee Mun Päivä
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Se Mustamies (Long Version)
Kestääkö Kuoreni (Album Version)
Hessu Hopo
Kiitolinjan Moppitukka
Mua Haluttaa
Mua Haluttaa
Kestaako Kuoreni Kalevala
Kestääkö kuoreni (Radio version)
Yksin sateeseen 2020
Elämä Rakkaudelle
Kaiken Saat
Kesäpoika Palaa (Trance)
Me Halutaan Olla Neekereitä
Älä anna mun nukahtaa
Kiitos kaikesta
Kiitos kaikesta