MDu | nl

Mdungu is a formation of nine international musicians based in The Netherlands, that plays African music with a jazz touch. Their music travels between the music of the Griots of Mali, the Afrobeat of Nigeria and the Mbalax of Senegal. The music that Mdungu makes is not purely African, as their roots also lay in jazz, rock, funk and surf. Their style is unique. Intense, raw and highly danceable. Mdungu was founded in 2003 by alto saxophonist Thijs van Milligen. From the start Mdungu is a most welcome guest on (inter)national stages and festivals. On May 11. 2009 their debut...
1. Warmduscher is a german Early Hardstyle-/Hard-Trance Producer and DJ. 2. Warmduscher (UK) is a collaboration between Saul and Jack of Fat White Family and Paranoid London. LP Khaki Tears was released in 2015. .
Like most bands Skumdum’s line-up of musicians evolved over time before finding the talent, dedication, and chemistry needed to succeed. Pierre Petterson and Chris Tjarnlund first got together in 1993 when they were just 15 years old and formed a punkrock band, which they named Skumdum. In 1996, after several line-up changes and a lot of rehearsing, they were contacted by Birdnest Records who wanted to sign them on their label. Birdnest Records released “Lisa” in April of that year. In 1997, after a tour of Sweden, their debut album, “Demoner,” was released. The band was off to a good...
A least 2 bands use the name Dum Dum Boys: 1) A Norwegian rock band from Trondheim. They started up in the late 1970s as a punk band under the name Wannskrækk. Wannskrækk released one of the most sought-after Norwegian punk seven inches called "Faen kuler treffer aldri riktig" in 1981, the year after the Wannskrækk 12" was released. Wannskrækk moved on and reinvented themselves with a new name and a somewhat new sound in 1985. This shift invoked the beginning of one of the greatest success stories in Norwegian rock ever. The new name, DumDum Boys, was taken from...
Amduscia is a Mexican Aggrotech band. The name Amduscia is derived from a duke of Hell who occurs in medieval demonology, who was said to perform concerts without the audience ever seeing the instruments being played. Amduscia formed in the spring of 1999. Polo, Edgar and Raul decided to express in their music the pain, the cruelty, the madness, the rage produced by living in a difficult place, "the real Hell, named Mexico City..." Following their first release, a demo named "Perdicion, Perversion, Demencia," the German label, Out of Line, inserted the first of Amduscia's tracks for the world, "Evil...