Mac Rybell | nl

Danish avantgardepop ensemble, Marybell Katastrophy proudly presents a new album entitled AMYGDALA. Available on vinyl and digital download (itunes, Bandcamp etc.) worldvide on the 4th of april 2012 from AMYGDALA is ethereal female singing, edgy distorted electro, classic instruments and massive big beats destilled into pop hymns - combined with the poems and thoughts of danish writer, Morten Søndergaard. AMYGDALA is a product of our pure hearts and hardworking minds - please check it out and let us know what you think? .
Cherrybelle, also known as ChiBi, is an Indonesian girl group which was formed from an audition. This band was founded on 27 February 2011 and consisted of nine young girls. On 12 April 2012, Devi and Wenda resigned as a member of Cherrybelle. As a result of the departure of 2 core members, on 8 June 2012 Kezia Karamoy and Steffy were elected to become the new members of Cherry Belle to replace Wenda and Devi. Cherrybelle was formed on 27 February 2011 in Jakarta, Indonesia. At the time, Korean groups were highly popular in Indonesia and numerous K-Pop-inspired groups...