The Reactor | nl

There are at least nine music acts named Reactor: one from China, one from UK, one from Sweden, one from Mexico, one from Ukraine, one from Switzerland, one from Finland and one from Canada. Reactor (Finland) is a gloomy rock band, formed in 1997. Current lineup came reality in 2009. The band will release its yet-to-be-finished debut album in 2011. More info: -- Reactor (Germany) is a speed metal band formed in 1991. by ex-Angel Dust and Scanner vocalist, S.L. Coe. -- Reactor (Mexico) Pierdes Tu Ser Website: -- Reactor (Ukraine) Industrial Death Metal 1989 - "Midnight" (demo)...
George Antonopoulos was born in Athens at 1982.He studied computer science and also finished Music Technology college.His first contact with goa trance was at the first stepps of this kind of music back at 1995.At 2000 he started composing music with fruity loops. After 2 years he create with a friend an experimental nitzhonot band wich had big successes with their music at live parties and also at radio.Nobody knew who they were and why they didnt get to a record label. Then it was the time to take it more seriously, so he changed the name to a more...
There is more than 1 band called The Reactors: 1. The Reactors are an eclectic rock band based out of Chicago by way of Kalamazoo, MI formed in 2013 by John Jacobs, Jimmy Stone, Tommy Grill and Greg Foresi. Their debut self-titled album recorded in Chicago is scheduled to be released independently at the end of 2014. With influences ranging from Queen and Iron Maiden to David Bowie and Oasis to Simon & Garfunkel and Fleet Foxes, The Reactors bring variance and life to a genre that is all too well known for bands getting stuck in a formula and...
The band was found in December 2008, but as a solo project dates to 2007. The vocals for a first album titled „Disorder”; have been recorded at Stetin’s Elvis van Tomato Studio in the first quarter of 2009, which includes also remixes made by: Controlled Collapse, Fall from Disgital Sin Team, Tom (our logo designer) and also track „Cold Army” with guest vocals by Gabriel Wolf from Infra Black.2010 will bring much more - second album. .
Over-reactor are a hip-hop/hardcore/metal two piece from Melbourne, Australia, formed in 2010. The members are Ezekiel Ox (Mammal) and Cory Blight (Dukes Of Windsor). By the end of February 2010, the pair had worked Cory's instrumental demos into the basis for an album. The challenge now was finding a bass player and guitarist to complete the line-up. A mutual friend/mentor suggested they try playing as a two piece. They tried it, and it stuck. March saw the release of their first track - a tongue in cheek, minute long punk song - "Fuck You Myspace," available exclusively on Myspace. The...