Virtuoso | nl

There is more than one artist with this name: 1. Virtuoso, rapper and hip-hopper from USA 2. Virtuoso, operatic pop vocal group from Finland 1. Virtuoso has been in the game since 1998 solidifying his reputation as a groundbreaking vocalist and a true renaissance man. He founded his own record label, Big Bang Records and is hard at work finishing his new album, WW3:The Final Conflict. But all this didn't happen overnight, he has exhibited supreme dedication to living his dreams and despite resistance at every turn, Virutoso is rounding the corner and is poised to explode. Born just outside...
Technically I suppose tracks should be attributed to the composer but for interest sake I find the performer more important on tracks such as these. A search on wiki will find more info if required. But if the stream is attached(or whatever the word is) to a track under the composer a) it might never be heard b) even if it is heard there is no way, on lastfm, of knowing any details about the performer. imho .