Turku | nl

There are at least 2 different artists on this page: 1 )Turku is a female vocalist from Turkey who has released several world music albums seamlessly combining electronic and traditional elements. 2) Turku is a group specializing in traditional instrumental music from the Western half of the Silk Road. They are known for live performances emphasizing improvisation and incorporating Turkish dance. They also have their own page here http://www.last.fm/music/Turku with more info. .
Yeni Türkü (means New Folk Music in Turkish) is one of the best selling and best-known bands in Turkey. They had concerts in more than twenty countries and have recorded many albums since the establishment in 1978. Their music is based on combining the sound of traditional Turkish and modern musical instruments, such as the oud, baglama, kemence, qanun and guitar. Many of their lyrics are based on poems by critically acclaimed contemporary Turkish poets. This combination produces a broad range of Turkish and Mediterranean melodies, that unites Anatolian and Byzantine cultures. Yeni Türkü's blend of traditional and ethnic songs...
Turku plays music from the western half of the Silk Road. They have played for audiences as large as 8000 people and as far away as Samarkand, Uzbekistan since 1998. Their music has received radio play as far away as Portugal and Uzbekistan. South Carolina Public Television has shown Turku's performances on many occasions. The members of Turku live in the Carolinas of the USA. Turku is a five member ensemble including... Ted Monnich on saz Farzad on violin Daveed Korup on hand drums Carla Monnich on davul and zils Behyar Behipour on bass guitar .
"Funk music is an age old tradition. It has taken on many forms over the years. The aim of Turkuaz is to do what we can to keep this tradition alive and growing. So turn your speakers up loud, and get as freaky as you want to be. To dance is a protection, funk is your connection, so don't forget that shit!" Band Members: Taylor Shell- (Assorted Funk) Dave Brandwein- (Assorted Funk) Mike Haziza- (Assorted Funk) Mikie Carrubba (Assorted Funk) Greg Sanderson (Assorted Funk) Josh Schwartz (Assorted Funk) Chris Brouwers (Assorted Funk) Shane Allen (Assorted Funk) Nat Osborne (Assorted Funk)...