Feathership | nl

In 2006, under the pseudonym Jay Pea, Jean-Philippe Sauvé launches Arrivals and Departures, immediately acclaimed by critics. That same year, the songwriter meets producer Vincent Blain, founder of the band l'Indice. For some years, both musicians leisurely polish the demo of what will become a new band from the Montreal scene: Feathership. Their buddies join for the fun: Gregory Leclair-Paquet (ex-guitarist from the Stills and member of Plaza Musique), Mathieu Véziau (drummer for Mille Monarques and l'Indice) and Étienne Rocheleau (bassist member of l'Indice). Feathership plunges us undoubtedly into an authentic musical universe where indie rock meets psych-folk. "Feathership is...