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Svart1 (Raimondo Gaviano) is an experimental ambient musician from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
He works in the fields of dark ambient, industrial music, live performance and visuals. He is a collector of sounds and noises, which are the basis of his music, generated from field recordings, synthesizers, guitar, dulcimer, PC or other interesting stuffs.

The sound of Svart1 is a very impulsive mixture of rich and sometimes dense dark, abstract analogue and digital noises, dark ambient melodies and idm-like drums, often unexpected soundscapes, but at the same time it goes into warm and nice atmospheres.
Only and irreplaceable quality of the plan svart1 is that one of the passion for the sounds and the video art. A love towards a way "off" to make to interact video and sounds where not "sinossi" exist neither, neither preview scenarios, where the movement is legacy to the color and where the sound, means beyond necessary way, interact really with all creating and unravelling in continuation.

Last aim of the plan is the attempt to establish a type of sounds and image that has an unknown and productive density, physics and communicative, where enormous importance comes given to the sound.
Technology like infinite rooms crossed by unexpected colorful visions, sounds and noises that break connections.
Perceptions of the phenomena linked to the intuition of the cerebral processes that allow us to maintain memory of our own paranoia, to perceive mental images which, helped by sound, establish a continuous reproduction in colorful evolution of the surrounding truth in the attempt of hitting and living it again. Sounds like true and own continuous sullecitations through which anxieties are created, parallel to visions. Necessity of continuous and immaterial reproduction that becomes pure air to breathe.

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