Sturmwehr | nl

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Sturmwehr is RAC band from Gelsenkirchen (Germany), which is founded between 1993/94 by Jens Brucherseifer (guitar) and Rony Krรคmer (drums). Then Detn join the band as singer. They released first album "Zerschlag Deine Ketten" in 1995. Next year, in 1996. they released 5 albums, "Musik im Zeichen des Thor", "Stimme unserer
Ahnen", "Nordisches Blut", "Nordland", and "Donnergott". Detn then left the band and Jens came as singer, from then on it was two men band. In the next years they realeased many albums, and on every album they played different style of music (Oi!, acoustic or even metal). Soon the drummer left the band and Jens continued to work as one man band.
Band is one of the oldest and best-known groups of the RAC scene. Unlike many other bands from this scene they play and the production of CD's is relatively professional. They published until today about 20 studio albums and various best-of CD's. The political orientation tends between nationalist and NS. .

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