Pombagira | nl

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Pombagira is a British doom metal / sludge duo, originally a three-piece band, formed in London, United Kingdom at the crossroads between 2006 and 2007. The programme of intent is based on a strong acknowledgement to the forces associated with the downtrodden.

The name Pombagira comes from the Afro-Brazilian religion of Quimbanda. Within the confines of this religion for those socially marginalised, Pombagira's attributes are strength and protection. She is the wife/consort of Exu, a trickster spirit that has in the past been mistaken for the devil. She is the protectress of the downfallen, prostitutes and the weak. She commands obediance and is considered to have a fiery constitution. Because she 'serves with both hands', an adage describing her flexible approach to how she treats humans, she is to be feared and revered. If you treat her with respect she will potentially grant you what you wish, however, if the compact is made and then broken she will unleash a surge of destruction that will leave no-thing standing. It is this kaleidoscope of hidden depth and potential within the expression of the life world, here enfleshed, that is made manifest through the medium of sound. It is this thin veneer between the hidden and the seen, the fixity of a reality and the possibility for exploration into the sphere of the invisible that defines the inspiration for the band.

Current lineup consists of :

Pete Pete Hamilton-Giles - guitars, vocals;
Carolyn Hamilton-Giles - drums.

Former members :

Donny Hopkins - bass guitar.

http://www.myspace.com/pombagiradoom .

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