Once Upon a Time | nl

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There are several artists with this name.

1)Once Upon A Time were a post-punk/rock band from Australia
2)Once Upon A Time is also a Hardcore band from Spain
3)Once Upon A Time is also a Psychedelic Trance project from Kliment Dichev, Bulgaria
4)Once Upon A Time is a Hardrock n'roll band from Oskarshamn, Sweden

---------Once Upon A Time were a post-punk/rock band from Australia----------

Once Upon A Time 1985-1995

ONCE UPON A TIME were formed in Melbourne, Australia, by singer songwriter BRUNO ADAMS and ex-members of local Underground acts; HAREM SCAREM, WHIRLYWIRLD, and CRIME & THE CITY SOLUTION. Supported international acts; NICO, SCREAMING JAY HAWKINS, THE SWANS, THE GUN CLUB, CRIME & THE CITY SOLUTION and NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS. They recorded three LPs and worked with Tony Cohen and Mick Harvey.

Band Members:
Bruno Adams - Vox & Guitar.
Chris Russell - Piano & Organ.
Ollie peters - Bass.
Chris Hughes - Drums.
Bob King - Samples, Keys & Bowed Guitar.

---------Once Upon A Time is also a Hardcore band from Spain----------

Once Upon A Time started as a band in late 90s.
After some years of sound research and some gigs in their village; Hospitalet de l'Infant (130km S from Barcelona) they recorded their first demo β€˜enjoy!’ in 2002. Only 100 poor quality copies were issued.
After that they started to play some shows in Barcelona and they definitely found a sound which made them feel comfortable.
In February 2005, after more shows, their first self-produced album was released containing 7 tracks of melodic old school hardcore with a good sound.

Band Members:
Victor: Voice
David: Guitar
Oriol: Bass
Valen: Drums

---------Once Upon A Time is also a Psychedelic Trance project from Kliment Dichev, Bulgaria---------


https://www.facebook.com/pages/Once-Upon-a-Time-aka-Kliment-Dichev/214179721927067 ~

: "Once Upon a Time is a quest project about the cosmic energy which electronic music can offer to dance floor travellers ... "
... These sonic fairytale soundscapes flow across a sea of Deep, Dark and melodic Psychedelic atmospheres, using cinematic blends and organic elements with a pumping Psychedelic Trance rhythm ... "They drive you through a tunnel of lights and shadows, depths and peaks, eerie and magical"

~ Kliments' Psytrance project is geared towards the early evening or morning dancefloor.

~ His debut album with this project : The Book of Mirrors is out on Blue Hour Sounds and can be found on Bandcamp/Beatspace here : http://beatspace-bluehoursounds.bandcamp.com/album/once-upon-a-time-the-book-of-mirrors-blue-hour-sounds
... and on the Blue Hour Sounds Web Site here : http://bluehoursounds.com/

---------Once Upon A Time is a Hardrock n'roll band from Oskarshamn, Sweden.---------

first lineup of the band was:
Annie Angel: Song
Luddy Os-bourne: Guitar and back vocals
Paz the Baz: Bas guitar
Dortmund Freud: Drumms

Later on about a year after their first record "Dangerous Sensation" Annie left the band and was later on replaced by "Simon Says".

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