Mirror Mirror | nl

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1) Mirror Mirror was started in late 2003 by David Riley and Ryan Lucero. They played their first shows with drum machines and bass, incorporating costumes, props and sets. Since then, they’ve played around NY, LA, Providence, Miami and Paris with bands like Get Hustle, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Japanther, Telepathe, Lansing-Drieden, Experimental People, Lispector, Phiiliip, BARR etc.

They quickly learned that playing at galleries/art spaces gave them more control over the performance and presentation. They could play with visual projections, or behind a wall, or lying down. They began to question the standard punk DIY ethos—a band plays loudly on a stage in a dark, dirty club, usually drunk. That didn’t stop them from playing that kind of show, but they tried to develop the communal, "cult-like" aspects of our shows with intimate sing-alongs and stranger environments. Musicians have always exploited the cult-like aspects of music and their fans and we’ve tried to explore that.

They’ve also recruited new members, expanding to include a drummer (Matt Bagdanoff), additional guitarists, and a rotating cast of guest performers.

A brief discography (going backwards):

MM presents The Society for the Advancement of Inflammatory Consciousness:

This loosely conceptual album focuses on the Society, its members, and their surroundings. There are some folky singalongs, sinister rock songs, robotic choral pieces, interludes etc.. The album is populated with the multiple personalities and POVs of the Society, as well as aspiring followers, runaways, communists, hustlers, party goers, and music producers. There’s definitely a West coast feel to it, sort of like Day of the Locust or White Album (the book not the record). Thematically the album explores seduction, betrayal, escape and transformation. It’s an admiring/skeptical look at new age mysticism, and the unfulfilled promises of the hippie era

super cheap practical.

This was a collection of deliberately hackneyed song and video pieces inspired by commercials, accompanied by an altar-like installation.

Troop 48:

This soundtrack and installation was part of the K48 show of the same name. We wrote ambient songs for lonely boy scouts in rainy forests. We also provided a tent and some inspirational banners. www.k48rules.com. We’ve contributed songs to a number of issues, including the latest Prison issue, it’s a great magazine.

MM EP: This was our debut, with lots of theatrical, trashy, over-the-top rock sleaze, cabaret type ballads, and slow building, multi-tracked pop pieces

As for the future… we have a number of projects in the works. We’re continuing with our strange brand of concept music, developing our performances, and trying to incorporate more people and visuals. We’re also finishing the installations and videos that go with our music, esp. the latest album—we see them as one overarching project. Beyond that, we’re working on a horror movie set at a new age spa (and soundtrack), as well as an experimental feature about the late astrologer and ketamine evangelist Marcia Moore.


2) mirror mirror were an indie/alternative/experimental rock band between 2003-2005 (http://www.myspace.com/mirrormirror). The played a number of gigs and released a three track demo, featuring the songs Look Through the Mirror, Kamikaze and Heaven's Forgotten You . Two former members are now in The Silver Wizard Project.

3) For Mirror|Mirror the Hard Rock Band, see Mirror|Mirror. .

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