Meat Devourer | nl

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MEAT DEVOURER is a brutal death metal band from Italy.

The band was founded in 2009 by the guitarist and vocalist Jakob Putzer (Chuck), at that time under the name Mortuary. The Band was founded with the resolution to produce hard and more brutal sound than before. Then as friends from a nearby local band called Dispelled split up Renè Gerstgrasser (Bass) and Fabian Oberhofer (Drums) met with Chuck to form Meat Devourer when they sat down to concentrate on creating new songs for the band.

They collected an acceptable playlist, they played first gigs in the local bars and clubs around Naturns and later in further places like Eisacktal, Pustertal and Innsbruck. In the year 2011, matching the two-year anniversary, Meat Devourer releases their first promo, on the 29th January, at the Juze Naturns.

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